Asarum Canadense roots. I ordered 12 from Prairie Moon Nursery, and they sent big, healthy looking rhizomes... I was surprised at how alive they looked!

I also ordered some Trillium grandiflorum from
Prairie moon, and they were also huge, healthy looking clumps of roots and shoots.

Here are some of the bulbs... Fritillaria Meleagris (Checkered Lily) and Erythronium Pagoda (Trout Lily), if I remember correctly.

My (first) order from
Van Engelen. Here is what I planted this year:
10 Erythronium Pagoda (trout lily)
100 Allium Sphaerocephalon (drumstick allium)
100 Fritillaria Meleagris (checkered lily)
100 Iris Blue Magic
100 Muscari Armeniacum
100 Narcissus Ice Follies (daffodils)
100 Crocus Flavus Yellow Mammoth
100 Crocus Vernus Flower Record
100 Crocus Biflorus Spring Beauty
12 Asarum canadense (wild ginger)
2 Trillium grandiflorum (large white flowered trillium)
And from American Meadows:
15 Crocus Sativus (fall blooming saffron crocus)
3 Trillium Erectum (Red Trillium)
1 Paeonia lactiflora Karl Rosenfield (Peony)
1 Dicentra White (Bleeding Heart)
That makes... 810 spring blooming bulbs, 15 fall blooming bulbs, and 19 other plants that will supposedly show their heads for the first time this spring. I did give away some bulbs to friends and neighbors, but I planted at least 700. I sure hope some of them come up next spring!