
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

No More Fussing: Zadie Jumpsuit in Burgundy Linen

I really, really want to love the Zadie by Paper Theory as much as the rest of the sewing blogosphere. 

I spent far more time on this than you can probably even believe. I made a muslin, and shortened the bodice by an inch or two. I drafted a facing, since I'm pretty sure bias tape on this wrinkle prone linen would be begging for a pressing every time I washed it, and that is a route to the very back of my closet. 

Then I made it up, wore it a couple of times, but the linen relaxed after a few hours of wear and the crotch was hanging halfway down my thighs and the backside was voluminously baggy. So I chopped off another 3 inches at the waist seam, which involved rather a lot of fussiness putting the facing and ties back together again. I think the back view is significantly improved, and it is still plenty loose in the crotch.

Sadly, I still don't really love it. I'm not sure exactly why. I chose burgundy because it I was hoping it would NOT look like a pair of scrubs, but I still sort of feel like it looks like a pair of scrubs. I find the waist seam has a tendency to wiggle out of alignment with the skinny ties, with really bugs me, and I spend the whole day fussing realigning the ties. I guess belt loops would help, but I feel like I'd need about 10 of them all the way around to make a proper guide for the belt. I also end up fussing quite a bit with the belt, since if it get too loose there is the danger of exposure, and it always seems to be either too tight or too loose.

There is nothing really wrong with it. It is plenty comfortable. Coverage is actually quite acceptable for a wrap. It doesn't even look half bad in these pics.

I keep trying to think of ways to alter it that would make me love it more, but I'm not sure it's worthwhile in this case. What do you do when you make something you just don't love?


  1. I think it looks really cute on you and it's a great color. That said, I know how you feel.

    I'm thinking of a short black linen jacket I made, that for some reason I never wore. Before going out, I would try it on and then hang it up again. It survived 2 years of quarterly closet purges before I finally donated it a month ago.

  2. For what it's worth, I think it looks great on you. The funny thing is that this is the only jumpsuit pattern I was even remotely interested in and these photos were kinda making me lean towards actually getting the pattern, but luckily I read your words. I TOTALLY get all the little issues that bugged you about fussing with the belt/ties. I'm always having to adjust waistbands and belts, etc, so I usually avoid them. I'm glad you mentioned it, because that is something that would also drive me crazy, and you just saved me from making the mistake on caving on trying a jumpsuit.
