
Monday, June 13, 2016

The Monday Motivation from Unlikelynest

The Monday Motivation at Unlikelynest

I've been mulling over starting a bi-weekly feature here at Unlikelynest, and this is what I've come up with. A bit of something to greet you on Monday morning. Nothing too heavy, but a touch of musing about our favorite hobbies and topics that inspire us. Let me know what you think, or what you want to see in future editions, in the comments. 

As a metaphor for mental motivation, I'm also digging up examples of some amazing physically strong females from history. You can read about Luisita Leers down at the bottom of the post.


I'm overjoyed that the wide leg pant is IN this summer. Not that I ever really quit wearing them... I just feel like I'm in good company this year.

I can't wait for the release of Helen's new pattern, the Winslow Culottes. She is just killing us with all her awesome pre-release versions on her blog, Helen's Closet. (In fact, I will get mine soon, since I'm a pattern tester!)

In the mean time, I love this yoked palazzo pant by Amanda's Adventures in sewing.

Elisalex at By Hand London read my mind... I totally need a kimono. She's pulled together a post that includes some of the top contenders. There's also this one, in German... I'm sure I could figure it out with a little help from Google Translate, and I love the fabric choice.


Dawn at Two On Two Off is has wicking merino jersey for sale in her Etsy store. If you haven't tried merino wool for exercise top, you are missing out, it is the best stuff out there. The fabric she is carrying is a polyester/merino blend, which seems to be the stuff that all the best technical gear is made of these days. I love making cozy winter tees and cardigans in wool jersey, it really helps take the chill off. It is totally the wrong season, but I ordered some anyway since it is soooo hard to get this stuff.

I've been drooling over all of the african wax print fabric garments in the blogosphere, and I've been secretly window shopping. I love the ones Sonja Gingerichs has at Hell Gate Fabrics. Actually all of her fabrics are gorgeous... and she works hard to source fabrics made in the most environmentally responsible way possible.


Make your own ice cream cones! I made the ones from this tutorial from America's test kitchen and they were awesome. No special equipment required. Admittedly the majority were less than perfect cones, but they were yummy anyway.


Loving Elusive Targets in the May issue of Seamwork, about the way standards for the female form have changed over the years.


A special thanks to Sallie from Sallieoh for sharing the passing of her furred companion of 10 years, Lucille. Our hearts are with you.


  1. Thank you for the shout-out! I'm so glad you like the fabric I'm stocking. :)

    1. LOVE it... a beautifully curated collection! I loved your interview on Thread Cult, btw.

    2. Thank you! Christine is a really good interviewer- I was nervous about it, but she's just so easy to talk to that I forgot we were recording! :)
